Best practices

Using the same project structure for all of your projects provide a lot of benefits. We recommend that you follow the structure shown below. It is flexible enough to work for a wide variety of data analysis projects, but feel free to adapt it to your needs.


Let’s have a look at the goal of each folder:

data: This folder should contain your raw/original data files. You should consider this directory read-only (even better: make it read-only). However, it is okay to add new files to the folder, as long as you don’t modify or delete other files in the folder.

steps: This folder contains data files produced by various steps in your analysis. If you’re using a workflow tool like GWF, this directory is where you would put the output of your targets. For large workflows it may be a good idea to make subfolders for each step.

results: This folder contains the final data files (not plots) produced by your analysis. Again, you may want to put these in subfolders for large workflows with many result files.

plots: This directory contains scripts for generating plots from the result files and the resulting plots in one or more formats. For example, you could have a script called which produces a plot called distribution_of_tumor_purities.pdf.

scripts: This directory contains the scripts you wrote for your analysis, e.g. those used by your workflow. Use file names that describe the purpose of the scripts. At the top of each script, insert a comment that briefly describes the input, output and purpose of the script. Again, a few sentences is better than nothing and may often be enough.

docs: This folder is mainly for large projects where it may be nice to document each analysis in its own file. If you use plain text files as shown above, remember to give them numbers to make it easier for the reader to figure out where to begin.

In addition to the folders described above, the project root should also contain at least two files: a file documenting your project structure (this could just contain a short introduction to the project and a link to this page) and a file describing the software requirements for your project.

Multi-user project

In the case of multi-user projects where many people collaborate on the same data, the following structure may be used.


In this scenario the root folder contains a people folder which a subfolder for each person working on the project. Each of these folders uses the same directory structure as described for single-user projects. This means that each user his/her own scripts, sandbox, docs, results, steps and data folders. The user-specific data folder can contain data files that are not used by everyone associated with the project, but it can also contain symbolic links to the root data folder.

The root results folder is used to aggregate results from different users by creating symbolic links to specific result files. For example, say that user A produced a result foo.txt and user B wants to use this file. User B can then create a symlink from myproject/people/A/results/foo.txt to /myproject/results/foo.txt.

Sanity check for repeatability

To check whether your project can easily be run by another person, package it into a zip-file and send it to one of your colleagues. They should be able to run your analysis with no help from you and by only reading the documentation in your project.