
This page contains details about the hardware and infrastructure that is available on GenomeDK.


  • cn-[1001-1060] (60 nodes, 11520 cores)
    • 2x AMD/“EPYC Genoa” 9654 CPUs @ 3.7 GHz, 96 cores/CPU
    • 1.5 TB memory
    • Infiniband HDR
  • s21, s22 (52 nodes, 3228 cores)
    • 2x AMD/“EPYC Rome” 7452 CPUs @ 2.35 GHz, 32 cores/CPU
    • 512 GB memory
    • Infiniband EDR
  • gn-[1001-1002] (2 nodes, 128 cores)
    • 2x AMD EPYC 9354 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 32 cores/CPU
    • 768 GB memory
    • Infiniband EDR
    • 2x Nvidia L40S 48GB GPU


Data may be located either on our NFS servers or on fast storage, our 23 PB BeeGFS distributed file system (fast storage).

Home folders are located on NFS. Project folders are located on fast storage. Fast storage is reserved for large data files involved in I/O intensive computations.

NFS can deliver read/write performance of up to 700MB/s, while fast storage can reach an aggregated read/write performance of more than 45 GB/s.


Backup is made to an off-site disk based solution on a weekly basis.


Storage and switches are protected by 2x100 kVA UPS. Diesel generator provides long term power backup for storage and switches.

In case of power failure, only frontend and compute nodes will be without power.