Interacting with the queue

Since GenomeDK is a shared system, all computations must be carried out through a queue. Users submit jobs to the queue and the jobs then run when it’s their turn.

Partitions and nodes

To get an overview of the available nodes:

[fe-open-01]$ gnodes

This will list each partition and all of the compute nodes assigned to each partition. The header of each partitions lists the available resources such as the number of cores per node, available memory per node, and the maximum walltime (running time) a job in the partition can have.

There is a global seven day time limit. Submitting a job requesting more than seven days will result in an error.

Submitting jobs under a project

All projects are given an account that can be used to submit jobs belonging to the project. The account name is the same as the project name.

When submitting jobs, you should always specify which account should be used:

  • By default, you have a very small quota for running jobs without specifying a project. We allow this so that new users can familiarize themselves with GenomeDK and the queueing system without requesting or joining a project.

    However, when this small quota is used, you will no longer be able to submit jobs and jobinfo will show something like this (note the highlighted lines):

    Name                : bash
    User                : das
    Account             : --
        Note: You haven't specified a project. You have a limited number of billing hours!
    Partition           : short,normal
    Nodes               : None assigned
    Cores               : 1
    GPUs                : 0
    State               : PENDING (AssocMaxWallDurationPerJobLimit)

    To be able to submit jobs again, you must specify an account.

  • Submitting jobs with the project account also has the benefit that jobs submitted with a project account get much higher priority than non-project jobs.

Interactive jobs

An interactive job effectively gives you a shell on a compute node so that you can type commands and run programs that will run on that node. This is great for experimenting and debugging problems.

To submit an interactive job:

[fe-open-01]$ srun --account <project name> --pty bash
srun: job 17129453 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 17129453 has been allocated resources

This may take some time since you must wait until it’s your turn in the queue. Once it’s your turn, you’ll get a shell on the node that was assigned to you. In this case, we were given the node s03n73.

You may also specify some requirements for the job, such as the amount of memory that should be allocated:

[fe-open-01]$ srun --account <project name> --mem 16g --pty bash

When running a job you have access to the same filesystems as when running on the frontend. Thus, you can access your home folder and project folders with the same paths as on fe-open-01.

When you’re done with your interactive session on the node, it can be exited by running the exit command or pressing Control + D.

[s03n73]$ exit

You’ll now be back on the frontend.

Batch jobs

While interactive jobs are useful, they require you to be logged in to the node while your computations one the node are running. Exiting the session will cancel your computations, which is not usually what you want. Also, you may want to run many jobs on multiple nodes, and having that many interactive sessions open quickly becomes unmanagable.

To solve this, we may submit a batch job instead. Batch jobs are submitted to the queue like interactive jobs, but they don’t give you a shell to run commands. Instead, you must write a job script which contains the commands that needs to be run.

The most minimal job script you can write looks like this:

#SBATCH --account my_project

echo hello world

This specifies that you want to submit the job under the my_project project folder. The rest of the script is a normal Bash script which contains the commands that should be executed, when the job is started by Slurm.

To specify which resources are needed by the job:

#SBATCH --account my_project
#SBATCH -c 8
#SBATCH --mem 16g

echo hello world

This specifies that you want eight cores and 16 GB of memory allocated to the job.

A node can be shared by multiple users, so you should always take extra care in requesting to correct amount of resources (nodes, cores and memory). There is no reason to occupy an entire node if you are only using a single core and a few gigabytes of memory. Always make sure to utillize the resources on the requested nodes efficiently.

To submit a job for this script, save it to a file (e.g. and run:

[fe-open-01]$ sbatch
Submitted batch job 17129500

Contrary to srun, this command returns immediately, giving us a job id to identify our job.

Most people find it annoying to write these job script for each step in their workflow and instead use a workflow engine such as gwf (developed at GenomeDK) or snakemake (quite popular in bioinformatics). Such tools allow you to write entire pipelines consisting of thousands of separate jobs and submit those jobs to Slurm without writing job scripts manually.

Asking for GPUs

To to run a job on a node with a GPU device you need to submit it to the gpu partition and specify how many GPU devices you are going to use.

For example, to submit an interactive job that will use just one GPU:

[fe-open-01]$ srun --gres=gpu:1 -p gpu --pty /bin/bash

In a batch script it looks like this. Here we ask for four GPUs:

#SBATCH --account my_project
#SBATCH -c 8
#SBATCH --mem 16g
#SBATCH --partition gpu
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:4
#SBATCH --time 04:00:00

echo hello world

Note that the software you’re using must support using multiple GPUs, otherwise allocating more GPUs will not make a difference.

Checking job status

To check the status of a job:

[fe-open-01]$ jobinfo 17129500

To check the status of all of your submitted jobs:

[fe-open-01]$ squeue -u USERNAME

You can also omit the username flag to get an overview of all jobs that have been submitted to the queue:

[fe-open-01]$ squeue

Cancelling a job

Jobs can be cancelled using the scancel command:

[fe-open-01]$ scancel 17129500

Checking job priorities

You may be wondering why one of your jobs are not starting. It may be due to other jobs having a higher priority. To see the priority of all jobs in the queue:

[fe-open-01]$ priority -a

Constraining jobs to certain nodes

While the compute nodes are almost identical, there are small differences such as CPU architecture. If your code depends on specific CPU features you must restrict your jobs to compute nodes supporting those features.

For example, our 4th generation nodes do not support AVX512 instructions. To restrict your job to only the 5th generation nodes that do support it:

[fe-open-01]$ sbatch --constraint "gen5" ...

This also works for srun:

[fe-open-01]$ srun --constraint "gen5" ...

You can get a list of all of the features you can constrain by with the scontrol show node command. For example, to get the features associated with the s21n21 node:

[fe-open-01]$ scontrol show node cn-1001
NodeName=cn-1001 Arch=x86_64 CoresPerSocket=96
   CPUAlloc=26 CPUEfctv=192 CPUTot=192 CPULoad=27.92
   NodeAddr=cn-1001 NodeHostName=cn-1001 Version=23.11.2
   OS=Linux 4.18.0-477.27.2.el8_8.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Sep 29 08:21:01 EDT 2023
   RealMemory=1547000 AllocMem=1433600 FreeMem=392897 Sockets=2 Boards=1
   State=MIXED ThreadsPerCore=1 TmpDisk=0 Weight=1 Owner=N/A MCS_label=default
   BootTime=2023-12-08T16:08:20 SlurmdStartTime=2024-02-14T15:51:08
   LastBusyTime=2024-02-22T04:02:40 ResumeAfterTime=None
   CurrentWatts=0 AveWatts=0
   ExtSensorsJoules=n/a ExtSensorsWatts=0 ExtSensorsTemp=n/a

Looking at the line that starts with AvailableFeatures we see that the node has the gen5, amd and avx512 features associated to it. So in our earlier example we could have constrained on avx512 instead of a certain type of machine.

The slurm documentation has more info on how to ask for multiple features etc.