Proteomics of colorectal tumors identifies the role of CAVIN1 in tumor formation and progression

Study description

We present a multi-omics proteome and transcriptome analysis of a Danish colorectal cancer tumor cohort composed of 428 fresh frozen biopsies from tumors of 387 patients mainly diagnosed with TNM stage II or III disease. The proteome data of 428 samples from 387 patients, and the phosphoproteome of 54 samples from 53 patients is deposited at the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE partner repository. Proteomics data is available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD044246. The RNA sequencing data from 372 matching samples from 330 patients is deposited here and consist of three batches in accordance with the three sequencing technologies used (Dataset IDs: A; B; C; see below). RNA sequencing data from dataset ID A and B was previously published as part of manuscripts PMID: 33332369 and PMID: 28494874, respectively. Details regarding patient selection, tumor sample preparation, RNA isolation and sequencing can be found in the original publication listed below.

Dataset IDSample numberSample typeTechnologySequencing platform
A147Tumor RNAIllumina NGS, TruSeqIllumina Hiseq 2000
B34Tumor RNAIllumina NGS, ScriptSeq v2Illumina NextSeq500
C191Tumor RNAIllumina NGS, KAPA RNA HyperPrepIllumina NovaSeq 6000

Original publication

Martinez-Val et al. Proteomics of colorectal tumors identifies the role of CAVIN1 in tumor formation and progression.

Data access

External researchers (academic or commercial) interested in analysing the colorectal cancer dataset will need to contact the Data Access Committee via email to The Data Access Committee is formed of Claus Lindbjerg Andersen, Jesper Bertram Bramsen, and Ole Halfdan Larsen (Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University). Due to Danish Law, for the authors to be allowed to share the data (pseudonymized) it will require prior approval from The Danish National Committee on Health Research Ethics (or similar) for the specific new research goal. The author (based in Denmark) must submit the application for ethical approval, with the external researcher(s) as named collaborator(s). In addition to ethical approval, a Collaboration Agreement and a Data Processing Agreement is required, both of which must be approved by the legal office of the institution of the author (data owner) and the legal office of the institution of the external researcher (data processor).