Newsletter, January 2025

Welcome to 2025 and yet another newsletter from GenomeDK! You’re busy, so here are the highlights:

  • Workshop series for getting started with HPC on GenomeDK now open for sign-up.
  • Announcing the GenomeDK Desktop - a browser-based virtual desktop solution for accessing GenomeDK.
  • Growing our storage capacity in 2025!

In 2024, we ran 13.5 mio. jobs totalling 62.5 mio. core-hours. We’re also happy to have welcomed 311 new users to GenomeDK!

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Workshop series in 2025

Please help us circulate the workshop invitations to any relevant departments/groups, thanks!

Are you a student or academic, current or future user of the GenomeDK high-performance computing (HPC) system? Or are you just curious about HPC and how you can utilize it in your work? Do you need to learn to use GenomeDK, or wish to become a better and more organized user?

Then join us in this series of GenomeDK workshops where we guide you from a general introduction to advanced usage. Each workshop targets increasing difficulty levels, so you can join the sessions that fit you best.

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Workshop: Use GenomeDK

The team of the Accessible Bioinformatics Cafe and the GenomeDK team invites you to the workshop “Use GenomeDK”.

  • Date and time: Thursday, October 10th, 11:00-15:00
  • Location: Building 1540, room K26.

We will cover the following topics:

  • Login and public-key authentication
  • File systems
  • Basic commands
  • Project management
  • File transfers and downloading data
  • Software installation and management

There will be a break for questions and lunch (not included) at 12, and again more time for questions and problem solving during the workshop. The only prerequisite is to have a working account on GenomeDK and a laptop - any extra knowledge is of course welcomed.

You can sign up by filling out the signup form.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Samuele Soraggi.

Newsletter, July 2024

Summer is approaching (in a very wet fashion here in Aarhus) quickly and so it’s time for another newsletter.

We are thrilled to welcome 175 new users to the GenomeDK community (so far) this year! Whether you’re a researcher, student, academic clinician, or company, we are excited to support your data-driven endeavors, and wish you a very nice summer!

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Sequencing services at the MOMA NGS Core Facility

In the wake of the recent announcement from the Institute of Biomedicine, Faculty of Health, Aarhus University, where the use of Chinese sequencing companies and collaboration with Chinese universities was prohibited, many with sequencing needs must find alternatives.

We are happy to distribute this announcement from our close collaborators at the MOMA NGS Core Facility. Note that the MOMA NGS Core Facility can deliver your sequencing data directly to a project folder on GenomeDK.

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