Newsletter, summer 2022

Hello everybody,

Summer is upon us and so it is time for yet another newsletter from your favourite HPC facility.

The past 12 months you all submitted 15.7 mio. jobs that used a total of 30 mio. billing hours. At the moment we have 625 active users.

Anders and Dan

The GenomeDK Team


  • Many of you need to share data with collaborators, students, and services that do not have access to GenomeDK. To facilitate this we have launched data shares, a service for easily sharing data from GenomeDK.

    To receive data from outside of GenomeDK, you will still have to contact us to get a special upload user. However, we plan to integrate this into data shares in the future.

  • We’ve introduced a new, unified user request form that makes it easier (and, we think, prettier!) to request a new user on GenomeDK. The new form is here.

    The new form also makes the user registration process more secure, as users can now specify their password directly. This means that we don’t have to send a password in cleartext to new users by mail.

  • There’s a new status page which makes it easy to see if there are any major service interruptions or planned downtimes.


  • Many of the compute nodes known as s04 are now retired. During 2022 we will continue to retire these machines. New compute nodes will be acquired in 2023.
  • We are currently working on the tender for a replacement for /faststorage. We expect the migration to happen primo 2023.

Outreach and training

  • If you don’t already, remember to follow us on Twitter. If you tweet about your work on GenomeDK, tag us and we’ll retweet!
  • We are open to workshop requests. Read more about your training offers and see a list of previous workshops. Also, please help us spread the word at your institute/center, so that more people can benefit from GenomeDK and our training services.