Newsletter, winter 2023


We’ve entered the year 2023 and so it’s time for another newsletter.

In 2022 we were happy to welcome 188 new users. 124 new projects were created. You also all managed to spend 28 mio. billing hours spread over 15 mio. jobs!

At the time of writing we host 10344 TB of data and files. These numbers could have been much higher if it wasn’t because we were reaching max capacity on our storage systems. Thank you for cleaning up your data!

We’re now ISO 27001-certified

The year 2022 was also the year where we received our ISO 27001-certification.

ISO 27001 certificate from PwC.

We hope that the certification means that you now feel even more confident storing your data on GenomeDK. Naturally, as we’re also the first unit at AU to obtain such a certificate, it resulted in a bit of media coverage:

Storage expansion in the works

A new storage expansion for GenomeDK is currently being installed. In the coming weeks we will configure and tune the system for optimal performance. After that, data will be migrated over several months. This process will be transparent to our users.

The new storage hardware being unloaded from the truck.

The new storage system has a total capacity of approximately 25 PB (current capacity is 10.5 PB) and consists of more than 20 servers and 1500 disks. The system weighs approximately three tons.

Mugs for all

Yes, you can now obtain a free, limited edition mug for your preferred beverage featuring the GenomeDK logo! We have mugs featuring the "formal" logo, but it’s also still possible to get one featuring the unique and eye-catching "party" logo.

The brand new GenomeDK merchandise!

Come by our office to get your mug!

Unified management tools

We have unified our management tools. Previously, some tools had the gm prefix, while more recent tools (like our data shares), used the gdk prefix. All tools now have a gdk prefix and many tools have been completely renamed to ensure more consistent naming.

This change makes it easy to discover which tools are available by typing gdk-<TAB> in your terminal.

We also provide more tools, e.g. gdk-project-list for listing projects, gdk-project-usage for detailed usage numbers, and gdk-export-list for listing active exports

Updated website

Our website has been revamped and the documentation reorganized. Hopefully it’s now easier to navigate and easier on the eye. We hope you like it!

Your responsibility

Finally, we urge you to stay up to date with your responsibilities regarding hosting your data on GenomeDK by reading our terms of service.

That’s it for now. If you have any questions or comments, as always, contact us at

Anders and Dan

The GenomeDK Team