Sequencing services at the MOMA NGS Core Facility

In the wake of the recent announcement from the Institute of Biomedicine, Faculty of Health, Aarhus University, where the use of Chinese sequencing companies and collaboration with Chinese universities was prohibited, many with sequencing needs must find alternatives.

We are happy to distribute this announcement from our close collaborators at the MOMA NGS Core Facility. Note that the MOMA NGS Core Facility can deliver your sequencing data directly to a project folder on GenomeDK.

Following the recent announcement of the immediate termination of Chinese sequencing companies, now covered in national media, many of you are facing unresolved NGS service needs. While alternatives in Europe and America have been suggested, we want to highlight that the Faculty of Health hosts a state-of-the-art NGS core center at the Department of Molecular Medicine.

The MOMA NGS Core Center offers short-read next-generation sequencing using Illumina instruments (MiSeq, NovaSeq 6000, and NovaSeq X+) and long-read sequencing with Nanopore technology (MinIon and ProMethion). Importantly, our services are provided on a non-profit basis for research groups and clinical departments, and we are ready to assist those affected by the recent announcement.

Established in January 2012 by Aarhus University Hospital, the Faculty of Health at Aarhus University, and MOMA scientists, our Core Center provides a team of highly trained personnel who offer expert guidance and advice for sequencing projects.


Our fully equipped lab, featuring automation with liquid handling robots, supports all common sequencing applications and the development of new methodologies and protocols. We provide comprehensive solutions from sample to data, including sample extraction, library preparation, QC, sequencing, and data analysis, as well as sequencing of pre-prepared library pools in full flow cells or single lanes.

Data Analysis

Upon request, MOMA can perform initial bioinformatics data analysis (e.g., data cleanup, mapping to reference genome, generation of gene count tables) with our dedicated staff. The data can be delivered on physical media, over the Internet or directly to a project folder on GenomeDK for further processing.

For further downstream analysis support, we refer to our collaborators at the Bioinformatics Core, Biomedicine, or CONNECT - Center for Clinical and Genomic Data.

If you are interested in our services, please contact us via our service desk. We will do our best to meet your NGS needs. In this urgent situation, you may also reach out directly via email or phone (4032 8083) to arrange a meeting.