0.13DKK/billing hour


2.34DKK/billing hour





One billing hour corresponds to one CPU core for one hour or 8 GB memory for one hour, whichever is highest.

If you store 1 TB of data in backup for a year you will be billed 250 + 500 DKK. 250 DKK for the on-disk copy and 500 DKK for off-site backup copy.

Prices are updated yearly and are subject to change.

Who can get an account?

We are open to account requests from people associated with a university or small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

How do I pay?

Costs are associated with project folders. The owner of a project folder is responsible for the costs associated with the project. The project owner will be charged yearly (in January) based on actual usage.

If the project owner is associated with either:

  • Faculty of Health, Aarhus University,
  • Faculty of Natural Sciences, Aarhus University,
  • Central Region Denmark (Region Midt),

then the usage is paid internally and the project owner will not receive a bill directly from GenomeDK.